2by4s.com Moss Point, MS
Finish Trim
Interior & Exterior Painting
Light Electrical
Porchs & Decks
All Home Repairs
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Cumberland Contractors and Management Cosby, TN
Custom built homes and cabins from Crossville TN to Gatlinburg TN. 25 + years experience! Professional Quality Service! Satisfaction Guaranteed!Competitive rates!
Visit us online at www.ccandmana...
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HCCI Memphis Memphis, TN
20 Years Experience, Licensed, Bonded, Fully Insured
Commercial, Interior Build Outs, Metal Studs, Drywall, Ceilings, Doors & Hardware Etc?
Residential, New Construction, Kitchen & Bath Remodel, P...
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Ace Unlimited Murfreesboro, TN
Ace Unlimited is the industry's most advanced (steam) carpet cleaning system, which will remove ground in soil and revive your carpets appearance with fast drying time.
Specializing In:
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Quality Custom Carpentry Nashville, TN
Providing all your residential needs from the ground up. Please contact Chris Frey for a free estimate. Home remodels, decks, ciding, additions, general maintenance, minor electrical, log repair, fram...
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Tips |

When hiring a carpenter for more complex jobs, always look for the number of years of experience in addition to references and previous projects. As a general rule, you will want a carpenter with at least five years experience to build your custom-made cabinets.

The Unites States does not have a regulatory agency for carpenters. In other countries, an apprenticeship of at least four years is required in order for a carpenter to be certified. This places the burden of confirming the carpenter's experience and expertise on the customer, through reference checks and inspection of past projects.

Although U.S. laws do not require it, many carpenters acquire a four-year apprenticeship certification through organizations such as, The Associated General Contractors, The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and the Associate Builders and Carpenters.
Tennessee Metro Areas
You can find Carpentry Contractors in the following metropolitan areas of Tennessee.
Looking for a Tennessee Carpenter? |
"Who is a Carpentry professional?
Carpenter is a skilled workman, who traditionally repairs, finishes and builds
wooden structures and objects .
Why do you look for one?
If you need a professional to:
» Lay hardwood floors,
» Install stairs, railings, windows and doors,
» Install interior, exterior trims and siding,
» Hang cabinets, install countertops for your kitchen,
» Frame walls, cabinets and closets,
» Build Fences, Ramps and Decks,
for your home or business, then you look for a carpenter.
Where do you find one? Findville will help you to find the best local carpenter available in your area.
Check our listings to find the best residential or commercial
carpentry company close to you. Whether an independent carpenter
or an industrial contractor, you should prefer licensed