Dan Gilmore & Northeast Electric Portsmouth, NH
Outlets, Switchs, Lights, Paddle Fans, Service Upgrades, New & Existing Construction, Generator Backup Systems, New Additions, Remodeling, Decks, Windows, Doors ect. Sunrooms, Commercial Maitenance Co...
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Suncast Electric Manchester, NH
Residential and commercial work for all electrical needs. No job to big or to small. Master electrician on every jobsite.
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TECC Systems Inc. Boxford, MA
Tully Electric, Communications, and Control is a Residential and Commercial Electrical Services provider located in the Massachusetts North Shore area. We have the experience to assist you with a wid...
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Waran Electrical Technologies Woburn, MA
All aspects of electrical services from new constrction, renovation, reodeling and service calls. High & low voltages. Industrial, commercial & residential applications.
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TMB Electric Corp. Salem, NH
TMB Electric Corp. is a reliable local Salem, NH based electrician services company that is experienced in all types of Electrical work including residential, commercial & industrial throughout Southe...
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Tips |

When using extension cords to run a device in your home do your best to make sure that this is only a temporary solution. Extension cords can be a great thing but they are also easily disconnected and can be very unstable for both the item attached or as a tripping hazard. It is just best to plug whatever it is that you are using into the wall if possible.

When putting wire or cable and running it from one place to another; always be careful. It is never a good idea to hold these items in place with nails or staples as hey can easily cut through the insulation on the wire leading to corrosion, shorts or even fires. If you have to use wire clamps or tape to hold these items down and in place.

When trying to rewire a small appliance with a new power cord follow these simple steps. If it is a simple detach and reattach assembly then by all means go for it. Remove the old cord by means of the pegs or clamps and then take the new cord, split about two inches of the wire without the plug and then strip about half of an inch of insulation off of each wire. Attach the new cord the same as the old one was.

New Hampshire Metro Areas
You can find Electrical Services in the following metropolitan areas of New Hampshire.

Looking for a New Hampshire Electrician? |
"Who are electricians?
They install, maintain, repair and operate electrical and telephone wiring and systems.
Why do you look for one?
If you need a professional to:
» Install home security systems and alarms,
» Repair generator,
» Maintain heating systems,
» Install air conditions and thermostats,
» Install, maintain and repair electrical wires, switches, panels and outlets.
» Troubleshoot telephone wiring,
» Repair electrical appliances,
» Install home media systems.
for your home or business, then you look for a trained electrician or electrical contractor.
Where do you find one?
Findville will help you to find the best electrical firms available in your area. Check our listings to find the best residential and commercial firm close to you. Whether an independent or an industrial electrical personnel, you should prefer licensed professionals."