Fasttek Electrostatic Painting Mobile, AL
On-site elektrostatic painting, commercial, industrial. 28 years experience. Lab Equipment, Lockers, Machinery, Office Furniture, Bathroom Partitions, Metal Fence and Railings, Metal door and window f...
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EDP Painting Company East Hanover, NJ
Family run business. Fully insured and Licensed. Paintin, powerwashing, staining, wallpapering, flooring, carpentry, closets, handyman services, HVAC
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Andrew's Valleywide Painting Peoria, AZ
We are a family owned company with family values and traditions. Three generations of knowledge and technique make up our company's skills. We possess a lifetime of experience gained through years of ...
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Pope's Painting southside, AL
Interior and Exterior Painting, Pressure Washing, Concrete Acid Staining, Build and Install Privacy Fences
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progressive painting foley, AL
We specialize in all interior and exterior painting, as well as faux finishing, pressure washing,and small remodel and handy man projects. We are two clean cut local guys, and we pride ourselves on no...
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progressive painting foley, AL
We specialize in all interior and exterior painting, as well as faux finishing, pressure washing,and small remodel and handy man projects. We are two clean cut local guys, and we pride ourselves on no...
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progressive painting foley, AL
We specialize in all interior and exterior painting, as well as faux finishing, pressure washing,and small remodel and handy man projects. We are two clean cut local guys, and we pride ourselves on no...
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DC Homes, LLC Birmingham, AL
We buy and sell Real Estate. We also specialize in Residential and Commercial painting and remodeling. We are licensed, insured, and very professional.
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Tips |

When beginning your search for a painting contractor, begin by asking local paint supply stores, designers and builders if they have a list of painting contractors they recommend. You can also find directories of painting contractors on the Internet and in the Yellow Pages.

Before spending time interviewing, always check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are any complaints against the contractors you plan to interview. You will probably want to skip interviews with contractors who have more than one complaint filed against them.

Be clear with your painting contractor about what areas of your home you want painted, how many coats of paint you want, whether or not you want primer applied and what type of paint you want used. Get all these details in writing before the work begins.
Alabama Metro Areas
You can find Painters in the following metropolitan areas of Alabama.
Looking for a Alabama Painting Company? |
"Who is a painting contractor?
Painting contractor is a skilled professional, who traditionally paints woods and walls of residential
and commercial buildings and items.
Why do you look for one?
If you need a professional:
» To custom paint your house, or provide wallpapering,
» To paint your furniture,
» For interior painting and exterior painting or staining,
» To paint your fence,
» For cleaning paint and paint removal,
then you look for a trained painting contractor.
Where do you find a painter?
Findville will help you to find the best companies providing professional residential
painting, and commercial painting services. Check our listings
to find the best painting firm close to you. Whether an independent
painter or an industrial painting company, you should prefer
licensed painters."