J-Line Painting, Inc. Jericho, VT
Commercial & Residential, Interior & Exterior, All Work Guaranteed for 5 Years, All Work Done in a Timely, Efficient Manner, We Work 24 Hours a Day, Steeple Jack Crews, Power Washing, Excellent Refere...
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Kelley's Painting Randolph, VT
I do Painting, drywalling, taping, and free estamates. I have been doing this for 26 years in the area and come with recommendations.
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Lea Jae Girven Painting burlington, VT
Lea Jae Girven has several years experience working with paint, color technique, and design. She can transform your space with fine interior painting. Color consulting, faux finishing, minor wall re...
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R&R Painting, Inc. Springfield, VT
Residential & Commercial Painting Contractor. Interior, Exterior, Sheetrock, Wallpaper, Power Washing, Mold Removal, Rotten Wood replacement, Window Cleaning
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R&R Painting Inc Springfield, VT
All facets of painting and drywall installation. Mold Removal. Excellent paint work that is guaranteed to your satisfaction.
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Three Cows Painting East Hardwick, VT
We can provide Interior/Exterior painting, drywall repairs, caulking, powerwashing or any other repairs that may be needed before finish painting can be completed.
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ace painting&associates NORTH SCITUATE, RI
painting any and all types com. res. indus. we use roller spray brush power washing any and all typer of roofing & driveway coatings also:list any and all sub-contractors in the building trades. ect.
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Tips |

Hiring a professional painter for the job can help you to get the exterior of your home waterproofed as well as looking good. This will then help you to save money on energy costs. That's because a professional will be able to seal gaps, cracks and other locations to keep your energy from getting out.

Did you know that if you have stucco painted home that having a professional not only paint but waterproof your home will help your stucco to last longer? In addition, stucco provides a layer of insulation to your home, something that will save you money.

Even professional paint contractors are taking full advantage of the new types of ceiling paint. These paints go on in a color, such as pink or blue, to allow you to see where you have painted. Don't worry, though, they dry white or the color that you select them. This is great for making sure not to miss any spots and tricky locations.
Vermont Metro Areas
You can find Painters in the following metropolitan areas of Vermont.
Looking for a Vermont Painting Company? |
"Who is a painting contractor?
Painting contractor is a skilled professional, who traditionally paints woods and walls of residential
and commercial buildings and items.
Why do you look for one?
If you need a professional:
» To custom paint your house, or provide wallpapering,
» To paint your furniture,
» For interior painting and exterior painting or staining,
» To paint your fence,
» For cleaning paint and paint removal,
then you look for a trained painting contractor.
Where do you find a painter?
Findville will help you to find the best companies providing professional residential
painting, and commercial painting services. Check our listings
to find the best painting firm close to you. Whether an independent
painter or an industrial painting company, you should prefer
licensed painters."