Company Name |
Savannah Moving |
Contact Name |
Business Phone |
(912)629-6683 |
Fax |
- |
Website |
Not Displayed |
Address |
9102 Walden Park
Savannah, GA,
31410 |
Mobile Phone |
(912)844-3608 |
Business Overview |
Savannah Movers are rated the best movers in the South East. Member of the BBB and the Savannah Chamber of Commerce. Our staff consist of clean cut and trust worthy individuals that are highly trained professionals. Our services include: moving, packing, loading/unloading rental trucks, drivers, truck and driver, helpers, cleaning garages, disposal of junk, and moving advice.
Best rates in the South East!
Please contact us
phone @ (912)629-MOVE (6683)
e-mail @ info@savannahmoving.com

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