Blazin Trails Landscaping Walton, KY
Professional Grounds Maintenance, Floral Installation and Maintenance, Landscape Wall Design and Build, Commercial and Residential Services, Snow and Ice Management.
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Inside Out Design Frankfort, KY
Landscape and Hardscape Design-Build (plant and material selection; design patios, porches, driveways and installation), Interior and Exterior Space Planning (design for remodels, additions, new const...
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Rich Design Studios Lousiville, KY
Rich Design Studios is an award winning, full-service design firm specializing in Landscape Architecture, Land Planning and Environmental Design.
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Cook'n Pepppers Lawnscapes, LLC Cincinnati, OH
We are Cincinnati's true one-stop landscape and hardscape design and maintenance company serving the entire Tri-State area. We offer a wide array off services. Please feel free to call today to inqu...
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Tips |

If you want to change your landscape and make it into what you want and but just do not know how, then you should seek the help of a landscape designer. They will aid in the design and layout of making your yard into what you truly want it to be. A landscape designer can give you what you want.

You want to put in some flower beds and possibly a rose garden, but do not know how to make it look right and piece it all together then it is time to find a landscape designer. These professionals can go and transform your yard into what you are visualizing and will do it right the first time.

Finding the right person to change your yard around can be a hard task. Look into hiring a landscape designer to do the job right. Make sure you have them do estimates and quotes for the work you want done as well as any other work you may just be thinking about. Make sure these include parts and labor.

Kentucky Metro Areas
You can find Landscape Contractors in the following metropolitan areas of Kentucky.

Looking for a Kentucky Landscape Architects? |
"Who is a landscape architect?
He/she is a skilled professional, who traditionally designes and plans horticulture, develops
lanscapes by using plant materials, arranging gardens, bushes, trees and flowers.
Why do you look for one?
If you need a professional to:
» Design and develop landscape,
» Plan your back yard to determine how the space will be used neatly,
» Arrange your trees, flowers, bushes, etc. so that you have a beautiful and easy to maintain landscape,
» Select and design plants by considering pest tolerance and ease of maintenance,
» Come up with landscape design ideas to put landscape rocks, landscape
timbers, landscape mulch properly, and decide on outdoor landscape lighting,
for you home or business building then you look for a landscaping company.
Where do you find one?
Findville will help you to find the designers available in your area. Check our listings to find the best architects or design companies close to you."