Advantage Lawn Care Hebron, KY
Advantage Lawn Care can tailor a maintenance program to suit your needs. Our regular maintenance program includes: mowing, string trimming, edging, blowing grass from all driveways, walks, breezeways...
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Inside Out Design Frankfort, KY
Landscape and Hardscape Design-Build (plant and material selection; design patios, porches, driveways and installation), Interior and Exterior Space Planning (design for remodels, additions, new const...
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Inside Out Design Frankfort, KY
Landscape and Hardscape Design-Build (plant and material selection; design patios, porches, driveways and installation), Interior and Exterior Space Planning (design for remodels, additions, new const...
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Inside Out Design Frankfort, KY
Landscape and Hardscape Design-Build (plant and material selection; design patios, porches, driveways and installation), Interior and Exterior Space Planning (design for remodels, additions, new const...
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Ready to improve the image of your yard, but not sure how? Contact Thoroughbred Landscaping LLC for all your landscape needs! With years of experience and dedication in Jefferson County. Give us a cal...
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Gregory Forrest Lester, Inc Cincinnati, OH
Certified Arborists From Our Cincinnati Tree Service Provide Tree Removal; Tree Trimming, Cabling & Bracing; Tree Fertilization & Disease Treatment; Plus Landscaping and Masonry. We work quickly, usin...
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Tips |

When hiring a lawn care specialist, it is important to keep in consideration your specific allergies and health concerns. Many of the chemicals they use can be toxic to children and to those with health concerns. Talk to them about any of the things that may affect your family to insure that you are safe and protected.

Did you know that your lawn care specialist may be willing to provide other services such as trimming trees and taking care of shrubs? There are many services that they offer that you may not know about. Nevertheless, wouldn't it be nice to have them handle those jobs that you hate as well?

Dry or wet fertilizing may be used on your grass. Do you have a preference? A dry fertilizer may take a bit longer to get into contact with the roots and the soil. A wet fertilizer will begin to work much faster but it may cost you more as well. Some chemicals for specific treatments only come in one or the other form.
Kentucky Metro Areas
You can find Lawn care Contractors in the following metropolitan areas of Kentucky.
Looking for a Kentucky Lawncare Professional? |
"Who is a lawn care contractor?
Lawn care contractor is a skilled professional, who traditionally provides herbicide treatments and fertilization
to improve and maintain a lawn.
Why do you look for a lawncare contractor?
If you need a professional to:
» Maintain and improve the quality of your lawn,
» Establish an organic lawn for a newly built house,
» Renovate your existing lawn,
» Fertilize your lawn as needed,
» Control weed for a new or existing lawn,
» Properly mowing and watering your lawn.
for your house or business, the you look for a lawn care professional.
Where do you find a lawncare professional?
Findville will help you to find the lawn care specialists available in your area. Check our listings to find the best lawncare companies providing lawncare service and lawn care contractors close to you."